Club Cool Kids: Chemistry is Cool
ATAP Foundation 611 Beverly Rancocas Rd, Willingboro, NJ, United StatesStudents in grades K-6. Join us for dinner and then explore chemical reactions as we make soaps and sugar scrubs.
Students in grades K-6. Join us for dinner and then explore chemical reactions as we make soaps and sugar scrubs.
Students in grades K-6. Join us for dinner, and then explore with friends as we create our own culinary delights! First Session: 11/3/23 - 6PM to 9PM Second Session: 11/6/23 - 6PM to 9PM
Students in grades K-6. Join us for fun-learning during Fall Break! Dates: November 6th, 2023 - November 10th, 2023 Time: 6PM - 9PM each day Cost: $150