

All Things Are Possible (ATAP) Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that offers several sponsorship and donation opportunities for ATAP program initiatives and general operating support that are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

Here is a partial list of programs and initiatives sponsored at ATAP:

Club Cool Kids, EcoWarriors, The Arts Project, Kwanzaa Community Service Awards, Summer Empowerment Experience Field Trips, Technology Infrastructure etc.

Consider donating to support program initiatives, general operating support, or volunteering with us. 

 Volunteer Incentive Programs

A growing number of companies are supporting their employee’s volunteer efforts, by making donations in recognition of volunteer service to a local charity such ATAP. Typically, the employer will make a modest gift if an employee volunteers a given number hours. 

You can sign up to volunteer with us here: 

Feel free to contact ATAP at or (609) 543-9209. Thank you for your support!